Welcome to ICARE, the Izard County Animal Rescue Effort! We are an animal rescue organization that helps dogs and cats who don’t have a home. We find them new families who will love them and take care of them. Sometimes, we need help from people like you to take care of these animals while they wait for their forever homes.

Today, we want to talk about something important: how to train your new dog. Training is important because it helps your dog learn the rules of your house and creates a strong bond between you and your new furry friend.

To train your dog effectively, you will need to set aside time for training sessions. These sessions should be one-on-one time between you and your dog to focus on what they need to learn. But to get the most out of these sessions, it’s recommended that your dog gets some light exercise first.

Here are some ideas for light exercise for your dog:

  • 20-minute walk on a leash
  • Playing tug-of-war
  • Off-leash time in a secure area like a fenced yard
  • Keep-away with their favorite toy (but let them catch it sometimes)

Remember, don’t tire your dog out completely before training. The goal is just to take the edge off and decrease any anxiety your dog may have so they can concentrate better during the training session. By following these simple steps, you’ll help your dog learn quicker and create a strong bond with your furry friend.

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